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Municode style for chapter/title analysis pages does not contain page numbers, as additional supplement charges would apply each time we supplement the Code to also update the page numbers on each chapter analysis page.
Organization The current chapter arrangement and section numbering will be kept the same. If you are interested in re-numbering the Code, additional fees will apply and the Code might have to be readopted upon completion.
Indention Municode style of progressive, outline-style indents will be applied. See sample page attached for example.
Tables Municode will create the following tables:
Running Heads Running heads are headers that appear at the top of the front and back of each page of your code. The front of the page contains the chapter title and the back of the page contains the name of your code. For example, in chapter 2, Administration, all of the fronts of pages will have ADMINISTRATION at the top, and the backs of the pages will have the name of your code in capital letters (Ex.: “ATLANTA CITY CODE," ORANGE COUNTY CODE," etc.). Municode will need to utilize our running headers and footers.