Naples, Florida

Screenshot of Naples Website in Monitor and Phone and Online Code in Laptop

Client Since:  2006     Population: 19,537

Naples, Florida wanted a new website that would proudly display itself as a beach town. They also wanted their community to have easy access to loads of information, including their Code of Ordinances. 

The old Naples website did not represent what the city was about. Pat Rambosk, City Clerk said of it, "We wanted it to portray what we are. “You looked at the old site and you couldn’t tell that we’re a beach community. It was kind of our mission to reflect Naples as Naples.” Along with the visuals, the overall structure and layout made it difficult for members of the community to locate information quickly. With its semi-scrolling layout and over-abundance of information, locating anything on the homepage became a burden. Residents of Naples also wanted to be able to access their Code of Ordinances online, as opposed to filing requests to city hall.

When it came time to look for a new web provider, the city partnered with their longtime codifier, Municode. With a focus of "three-clicks or less" to find information, Naples designed its new website to be user-friendly and transparent. Its homepage now features a breathtaking Naples sunset, fitting with the mission to better represent "Naples as Naples." The homepage also dropped the semi-scrolling layout in favor of a non-scrolling one. This drastically improves navigation as every page is presented right away without needless scrolling and clicking. The addition of quick links furthers the simplicity of navigation. Updating and creating content for the new site is also just as simple. The Content Management System was developed to allow little technical training to be allowed to effectively use it. Because Naples originally sought out Municode's codification services, they soon added Online Code Hosting. This allows anyone on staff and in the community to access their Municipal Code at any time and on any device. 

“Our focus is the transparency of records and being able to find them.” - Pat Rambosk, City Clerk


Winner of National Association of Web Professionals Members Choice Award

►Visit Their Website and See Why It Won a NAGW Award
        > Click to learn more about our Website Design & Hosting Services

►Visit Their Online Municipal Code and See How Easy It Is for Community Members to Search the Code
       > Learn More About our Codification & Supplementation Services
       > Learn More About our Online Municipal Code Platform

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